alessio delfino

Solo shows

Rêves – Vision Quest Genova

Alessio Delfino Rêves crated by Viana Conti Opening Saturday, 9th April 2016 at 6 pm the artist will be present 10 april – 3 june 2016 Piazza Invrea 4r – 16123 Genova – Italy +39 0102476642 +39 3356195394 – – VisionQuesT contemporary photography is pleased to present the

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Tarots – Castello di Rivara Museo d’Arte Contemporanea

ALESSIO DELFINO – TAROTS 30.10 – 27.11.2016 Playing cards is something that suits everyone, a practice that successfully moves minds. A custom that consolidates or destroys social relations and reveals the characters of human comedy. It’s the chosen territory of learning cunning and the exercise of memory from an early

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Alessio Delfino « Reves | Dreams »

ALESSIO DELFINO “RÊVES | DREAMS” 8 November – 6 December 2014 opening “Notte delle Arti Contemporanee” 8 November 2013 | from 6pm to 12am Alessio Delfino, Italian artist, French by adoption, declines the Body, in the cycle that bears the title of Rêves/Dreams, both as a surface that unfolds in

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photographier les yeux fermés rêver les yeux ouverts

The Greek Vision of Alessio Delfino Phography between LebenstanzandTotentanz by Viana Conti Dance can reveal everything that music contains. Charles Baudelaire   I would only believe a god who could dance… come on, let’s kill the spirit of gravity! Now I’m light, now I fly, now I see myself below,

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Rêves | Dreams @ Paolo Erbetta Gallery Berlin

Alessio Delfino, “Rêves|Dreams” The Paolo Erbetta Gallery is pleased to present the solo show of the Italian artist Alessio Delfino entitled “Rêves|Dreams”. Born in Savona in 1976, he works between Savona and Milan. Delfino devoted himself to photography from a young age; a great curiosity about the operation of the

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Rêves | Dreams @ Kips Gallery Seoul

델피노의 2013년 최신 시리즈인 “REVES/DREAMS’ 사진전이 킵스갤러리서울 포토그래피에서 개최됩니다. ‘꿈은 때때로 우리에게 가장 이루어지기 힘든 욕망을 야기한다…꿈과 욕망의 경계는 종종 흐려지며 이해할 수 없으며 억누를 수 없는 춤으로 합쳐진다.’ 이번 알레시오 델피노의 한국전시회는 작가의 최근 작품인 ‘RÉVES/DREAMS’ 시리즈 중 작가가 특별히 한국전시를 위해서 엄선한 11 점의 작품을 전시하게 되었다. 델피노는

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rêves | dreams @ kips gallery NYC

Artist: Alessio Delfino Title: Rêves Date: 20 June 2013 – 10 July 2013 Gallery: Kips Gallery New York Opening: June 20 , 6 – 8 PM Opening hours: Tuesday / Saturday 11- 18 (tel. gallery +1 (212) 242-4215 or +1(646)284-5008 to book visits) Exhibition curated by: Nicola Davide Angerame For

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Rêves – Coullaud&Koulinsky Paris

Alessio’s Dreams The works that Alessio Delfino proposes to us as an expressive figure of his ‘dreams’, through the series of his latest photographs, can be referred to the scope of the dream somatic sources, those that Freud calls hypnagogical? To some extent yes and no, to want to understand

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Tarots @ Kips Gallery – NYC

Tarots by Alessio Delfino. Notes for an initiatory photography There is synchronicity between our state of mind and the figure of the Tarot that appears and, beyond words, puts us in a total listening that touches the body, passes through the belly, the heart, the head becoming then thought and

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