alessio delfino


He was born in Savona (Italy) on March 5th 1976. He lives in Albisola and works between Savona and Milan. The approach to the photographic medium took place at a very young age, through the formative experience of the darkroom, studies in chemistry and frequenting artists. With them he created his first works, which will develop into various photographic series starting from the first personal exhibition in Genoa which launched him on the national scene and which will follow a prolific international career, today expressed by the most recent personal exhibitions in New York, Paris , Brussels and Berlin.

He exhibits his works in galleries, museums and public spaces in Italy and abroad.

Main solo shows:

2016 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara – Tarots

2016 Genova (GE) – Italy, VisionQuesT Studio Clelia Belgrado – Rêves – Dreams

2014 Torino (TO) – Italy, Franz Paludetto – Rêves – Dreams

2014 Andora (SV) – Italy, Palazzo Tagliaferro Contemporary Culture Center – Photographier les yeux fermés, rêver les yeux ouverts

2013 Berlin – Germany, Paolo Erbetta arte contemporanea – Rêves

2013 Seoul – Korea, Kips Gallery Photography – Rêves | Dreams

2013 New York, Chelsea – U.S.A. Kips Gallery – Rêves | Dreams

2013 Brussels – Belgique, Galerie Nardone – Tarots

2013 Paris – France, Coullaud & Koulinsky – Rêves

2011 New York, Chelsea – U.S.A. Kips Gallery – Tarots

2011 Finale Ligure – Italy, Valente Artecontemporanea – Tarots

2011 Finale Ligure – Italy, Complesso Monumentale Chiostri di Santa Caterina Oratorio de’ Disciplinanti – Tarots

2011 Rome – Italy, Franz Paludetto – Tarots

2011 Milan – Italy, MC2 Gallery – Tarots

2010 Turin – Italy, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea – Tarots

2010 Nürnberg – Germany, Livio Nardi Galerie – Tarots

2010 New York, Chelsea – U.S.A. Kips Gallery – Metamorphoseis

2009 Foggia – Italy, Galleria Paolo Erbetta Arte Contemporanea – Tarots preview – Femmes d’or

2009 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara Centro d’Arte Contemporanea – Tarots preview

2008 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Metamorphoseis (with performance)

2007 Alassio (SV) – Italy, ex Chiesa Anglicana, Comune di Alassio Assessorato alla Cultura Féminin Inédit (with performance)

2006 Albissola Marina (SV) – Italy, Studio Lucio Fontana – Femmes d’or (with performance)

2006 Arles – France, Espace Gilles Barbero Festival Voies Off – Femmes d’or

2006 Varese – Italy, Spazio Arte Aurora – Femmes, Portraits et Travaux

2005 Aschaffenburg – Germany, Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg e.V. Museum – Femmes Naturelles

2004 Genoa – Italy, Studio Ghiglione – Palazzo Doria – Travaux en cours

2002 Genoa – Italy, Studio Ghiglione – Palazzo Doria – Des Femmes 1999-2002

Main group shows:

2015 Genova (GE) – Italy, Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte – Palazzo Ducale

2014 Montecarlo (Principauté de Monaco) – Yacht Club de Monaco – “Mediterraneo i volti della metafora”

2013 Montecarlo (Principauté de Monaco) – Barclays Bank – “Mese della Cultura e della Lingua Italiana”

2013 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara Centro d’Arte Contemporanea – “Equinozio d’Autunno”

2013 Città Sant’Angelo (PE) – Italy, MuseoLaboratorio Ex Manifattura Tabacchi – The Name, The Nose

2013 Trieste – Italy – Oltre il Sublime

2013 Marseille – France – Galerie du 5eme – “Volupté”

2011 54° Biennale di Venezia – Padiglione Italia Regione Liguria – Palazzo della Meridiana Genova

2011 Rovereto – Italy, MART Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto – “Percorsi riscoperti dell’arte italiana nella VAF-Stiftung 1947 – 2010”

2010 Bangkok – Thailand, Silpakorn University – “Frames! Italian style contemporary video art”

2010 Torino – Italy, Allegretti Contemporanea / Franz Paludetto Roma – “Opening Contemporary”

2010 Milano – Italy, MC2 Gallery – “Natura Anfibia”

2008-09 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara Centro d’Arte Contemporanea – “Video Review”

2008 Rivara (TO) – Italy, Castello di Rivara Centro d’Arte Contemporanea – “Esercizi”

2005 Baltimore – U.S.A., World Trade Center – Arteast’s

2003 Albisola Marina (SV) – Italy, 14 July 2003 “La presa del Testa”

2002 Alassio (SV) – Italy, Chiesa Anglicana – Dell’Eterno Femminino

Art fairs:

2018, Bologna – Italy, ArteFiera – VisionQuest Contemporary Photography

2017, Basel – Switzerland, Photo Basel – VisionQuest Contemporary Photography

2016 Lyon – France, Photodocks – VisionQuest Contemporary Photography

2013 Busan – Corea, Art Fair Busan – Kips Gallery

2012 Brussels – Belgique, OFF Art Fair – MC2 Gallery

2011 Miami – USA, RedDot – Kips Gallery NY

2011 Milano – Italy, Step09 – MC2 Gallery

2011 Madrid – Spain, Madrid Foto – MC2 Gallery

2011 Chicago – USA, Art Chicago – Kips Gallery NY

2011 New York – USA, Red Dot Art Fair – Chelsea West Gallery

2011 Hong Kong – AHAF – Kips Gallery NY

2010 Milano – Italy, MiArt International Art Fair – Galleria Paolo Erbetta

Works in museums:

MART Trento e Rovereto, VAF Stiftung:

– Des Femmes #54 lambda print Ed. 1/1 2003 70×50 cm

– Des Femmes #60 lambda print Ed. 1/1 2003 70×50 cm

Museo d’Arte Italiana Castello di Rivara (TO):

– Metamorphoseis, lambda print on metallic paper Ed. 1/5 2006-2008, 22 pcs 167 x 50 cm


2013 Rêves – GianCarlo Pagliasso, Nicola Davide Angerame

2011 I Tarocchi dal punto di vista filosofico – Giuliano Kremmerz – a cura di Massimo Rizzardini

2010 Metamorphoseis – Robert C. Morgan, Nicola Davide Angerame

2007 Féminin Inédit

2006 Femmes d’or

2005 Femmes naturelles

2004 Travaux en cours

2003 à Florence on raconte

2002 Des Femmes 1999-2002